brooke tornifoglio

originally from boston, massachusetts, brooke graduated from the university of connecticut with a bsc in biomedical engineering and minor in electronics and systems in may 2017. after her undergraduate degree, she moved to dublin to complete her msc in bioengineering at Trinity College Dublin. here, she finished with honours and came joint-first in class for her research ‘non-invasive characterisation of the intervertebral disc microenvironment through magnetic resonance imaging and finite element analysis’ in august 2018. brooke then started her phd in mechanical, manufacturing and biomedical engineering at Trinity College Dublin and her work ‘an investigation into diffusion tensor imaging-derived metrics in arterial tissue as biomarkers for disease progression, plaque rupture and graft recellularisation’ has been recognised nationally and internationally by numerous awards. in september 2022 she started a post doctoral position aiming to translate magnetic resonance quantitative susceptibility mapping at the carotid arteries to the clinic for in vivo imaging. in july 2023, brooke started as an assistant professor in biomedical Eengineering in the department of mechanical, manufacturing and biomedical engineering here at Trinity College Dublin.

brooke’s work aims to bridge biomedical engineering and the clinic, with a particular focus on investigating imaging methodologies which capture the microstructure and microenvironment of tissue in the context of biomechanics and device design.